MySQL training classes typically focus on equipping individuals with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively design, deploy, and maintain MySQL databases. The training plan generally involves hands-on exercises, practical examples, and theoretical concepts to ensure comprehensive learning. By enrolling in MySQL training classes, participants can enhance their proficiency in managing data and unleash the full potential of this powerful database management system.
Install and Upgrade MySQL for the most common operating systems
Utilize the MySQL Administrator Graphical User Interface (GUI) to manage a MySQL server
Use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database to access metadata
Perform the MySQL start and shutdown operations
MySQL Intro
Installation and Configuration MySQL(Physical, Logical)
Users and security, Mysql Backup
Trouble shooting and Performance
Tuning/Optimization for large db’s
Replication (Master)
Bash Scripting
Configure MySQL server options at runtime
Evaluate data types and character sets for performance issuesUnderstand data locking concepts and the different levels of locking in MySQL
Differentiate between the multiple storage engines available in MySQL
Perform backup and restore operations utilizing multiple MySQL tools
Maintain integrity of a MySQL installation utilizing security protocols
Use stored routines and triggers for administration tasksManage, apply and understand the reason for using views
Improve performance through query optimization
Optimize Schemas (Databases) utilizing multiple techniques
Utilize MySQL monitoring tools to improve server performance
Compare multiple environment options to improve server performance
Rachid Hamili
Oracle Certified Professional
Tutoring: DH300 /hr